Today marks my 4th week of straw feeding! Such a feat Ailynette! God is mighty, He made me able to surpass everything. There were days that I still feel sad but through prayers I am able to overcame my fears and disppointments. Life went as it is. Once every week I have to go to my doctor to check my improvements and change the elastics and to allow me to brush my teeth and tongue. Hehe! But of course I do brush daily. Gradually, slowly, with a slow left-right-left-right glide and then a power gargle of Betadine. There were mouth sores because of the arch but Betadine can heal the sores fast so I do not worry much. I actually made a pact not to worry and not to literally count the days. Just let it go and slide. This too shall pass. And two weeks left! Way to go!
January 24.
My sister Ven flew to Australia to be with her husband Mike. I will surely miss her and how she takes care of me and J. I pray for them to have good time and for great memories to fill the memory box of their marriage and in God's willing...a bouncing baby girl or boy too!
As promised.
This month I finished two books. Stieg Larrson's The Girl Who Played with Fire and The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest.
Then I started reading Life of Pi after few pages I decided to wait a bit and not to force myself into this book. Will instead finish The Fault In Our Stars by John Green.
But for two days now Candy Crush is taking much of my time. This is not good. Focus Ailynette. But this game is addictive...time management maybe?
I am just proud to share that since we moved to our new office address I have not been late eversince! Big smile!
January 15.
Vonage Outbound on its 7th year! I am a proud member of this family. I joined Vonage when its just 4 months old. Barely moving and still on breast feeding. Haha! I saw it grow from enfant to toddler and now 7 years? Wow! To God Be The Glory and I want to be bold in asking these prayers. Lord, give us seven more successful and productive years! Amen.
Two Important Lessons Learned and Applied this month:
1. The wheel of life will not going to stop to wait for you to catch up.
2. Is is not about YOU.
I'm looking forward for a best February!