Perfect weather to stay at home and have quality time with your special one. I just so love lazy mornings like this and those little drizzle outside. I woke up early today and i just can't resist to have pancit, sopas and pandesal in an early morning!I was so full. I have to reserve my coffee while doing this. I promised to lessen my coffee intake. Just now, I am thinking of eating Boy Bawang with suka! Have you tried it? Perfect combination! I promise.
Parang, I am hungry again. J went out and will buy ingredients for our Sinigang. Excited much!
Ang sarap ng feeling that no matter how stressful my day at work is when I get home someone is there to lighten up my load.
Thank you for everything and sorry for my shortcomings! Love you bhebhe!
Let's cook and eat our sinigang na!