Saturday, December 1

1st of December

Sorry, I've neglected you for weeks!

Happy December 1st!

My birth month...will be turning 30, 23 days from today. I don't want to look 30 but wants to feel 30.
I got a new work place! Our account just migrated to QC and now we're braving EDSA everyday and have learned to appreciate MRT even more!

More stories to share soon...

Sometimes, there are things you want to tell but you just can't because you simply cannot.

Even though you know there is something...but really there is nothing.

Tomorrow, I will be going with the team to Anawangin in Zambales. Start of my month long birthday celebration.

There are a lot of things to look forward to this month...and I am just excited to accomplish them all.

I am so looking forward for the parties, events and gimmicks!

Let's claim for the happiest December to date.