Thursday, February 16

Jelly Ace and Snow Bear

With my innocence and being always in shield, today I am humbled to finally say that I have fully understood what peace there maybe in silence.
You know the feeling when everyone is in chaos, busy running and turning around-yet you are in peace, undisturbed and you just feel good and unaffected? Wow! That moment is rewarding and you will wish never to wake up again at the wrong side of the bed.

Maybe that is what they call inner peace. ^__^ Please send me that one always.
Desiderata has always been one of my favorite, back in high school we are asked to have this poem memorized, always close to my heart. It says almost everything we should know and follow about life.
They say that maturity comes with age. Is age and maturity directly proportional? There is a debate going on with this topic. My point of view is: Maturity does not come with age. It does come with our experiences and how brave we are to embrace their lessons. 

In retrospect, I used to share what I read and see on TV. Now things are becoming more realistic, slowly I am learning, I can now give advice from what I went through and succumbed myself to be forever a student of  life. 