I did nothing. Just sleep, eat, watch tv and surf nothing...just one lazy day. =) And in times like this...I am glad and wishes to be at the beach and wear that yellow bikini!
I have no summer plans yet.=( Whatta! I should have one now! I want to go to Vigan. Hmmn..but have to replenish my money bag first! I prayed to Papa God to open my stock market account before the end of March 31, 2012.
Yesterday, with J and some friends we went to Frances and Miguel's party. I bracket everything now. Children's Party, Christening, Wedding, Funeral...everything! And that makes life exciting. Wheel of life.
BTW, looking at my blog stats...I have follower/s in Russia and India. Haha! I'm being global.=) I know I have friend in India...but not in Russia. =) This is sweet! Thank you for taking time to read my sweet escape. And maybe all my readers in US are my cousins. haha! I got more their than here. =(
So that's it for today.
Will try to finish whatever DVD I have here before I fall to sleep and maybe tomorrow when Papa God shower me with kasipagan...I will do some of my laundry. So wish me luck!