Thursday, July 14


No July entry? I must have been very busy these past few days or might lost an inspiration to write anything or share something with you guys...

Still life is pretty easy more likely I am making things easy.

Work is tough but happy.

I want to be promoted this year or early next year, I want higher basic. =) I need to attract and mission that and show my intention to the bosses!

Additional two new family members for my team, I hope they do good and strive harder to stay in our company. Outbound cold calling is pretty tough! It requires hard work, determination and support.

July 3- our company went to Canyon Woods in Tagaytay, pretty place! I would love to go there again and spend the night over.

Sunday last week, I watched Transformers 3 with J and it was good! I was expecting for more, I did not find it appealing that Sam's Angel still managed to look like a manequin after all the stunts she made. Still had her lipgloss on and no stray of hair out of place. I want something more realistic. She should have shattered after all the fall, bombs and everything! Bitter me huh!? I miss Megan Fox!

I also got a chance to watch the remake of Temptation Island. Nothing beats the original!

July 10, after the Transformers, I had my 25th cake from J. I love it! He never fails to remember and let me feel that I am special. I super believe now that I have done something good to be blessed today. I am praying for more cakes- sugar free next time I supposed! =)

9:10AM and we only have 3 sales! Outbound pressure!

oh...Kobe is in the Phils! Everyone is going crazy!