this week: the best things in life are free!
1. like the lunar eclipse two days ago and only the 4th time in the last century and this one last over 100 minutes. lucky for those who have gone outside and witnessed how it happened. too bad for me, I am at work. i just watched this phenomenon on tv and greatly appreciated the classic shots to imortalize the event.
2. the eat all you can at Cabalen for only 318 pesos! yes, this one is not for free...but the reunion of the oldies at the table beside ours is priceless! they were at the age bracket of 55-60, they have ipods, digi cams and signatured bags! they are all cool lolas! =)
3. the free skyflakes, egg sandwich and chocolates i got today! i ate them all! i am so full again! this week and still counting i eat most of the time. i'm gaining weight!
4. and i know in my own simple way, even for a moment i made someone happy or atleast forget that she is in the hospital and is fighting the big C. i hope nanay basyon you get well and stay strong! kaya yan!
5. and the top 3 things that will make someone the happiest, this i firmly believe:
5.1 making pupu
5.2 sleeping with no alarm clock
5.3 eating!
all these 3 are my favorites!
so far this week is running so good that i want to rush the time for the weekend...and pull it even more for the pay day....and even harder for our upcoming out of town getaway to Davao and Gen San and the hardest for December!
cheers for a happier life! positive attraction!